StartUps & ScaleUps




Spark! Consulting

Works with Startups and Scaleups across most sectors, with deep experience in Tech, Financial Services, Healthcare and Property.  We add value at multiple points, from inception through to Exit.

Raising Investment

Discover your Investor Ready Score

Raising investment isn’t always part of an entrepreneur’s skillset.  We provide an in-depth, practical approach to investor readiness, ensuring you will be confident about the fundraising process and credible in front of investors.  As well as working with you to prepare your key pitch materials, we analyse your business to diagnose gaps investors would question and help you create strategies to resolve them.  We also provide introductions to investors where appropriate.

Spark! works with startups and scaleups on raises from pre-seed to Series A.

To find out more about how we can support your journey to investment, join us for a complimentary 1-hour Raising Investment Review, where we can analyse your current position and goals.



Our proprietary methodology, The Investor Ready Roadmap, is a 6-step process which ensures we cover every aspect an investor will consider when assessing your company.  It forms the basis of the No.1 best-selling book, Investor Ready, written by our CEO Julie Barber, and published by ReThink Press.

Find out just how ‘Investor Ready’ you are and take our scorecard today – you’ll receive your ‘Investor Ready’ score, a free report on your strengths and gaps, and a free electronic copy of the Investor Ready book.

Governance for Growth


As your business grows and you take on investors, business governance becomes a necessity.  While ‘governance’ can often feel like it creates red tape and loss of momentum, our aim is to build a governance model for your business which drives fast and sustainable growth.  There are eight elements to our Governance for Growth for approach, covering everything from data and processes to Board structures and even helping to recruit suitable candidates.

Whether you are building a Board for the first time, want to improve your overall governance model or need to re-evaluate as you are scaling, we’re able to provide services tailored to your situation. To discuss the ways in which Governance could support your business, please join us for a complimentary 1-hour Governance for Growth diagnostic session, where we can discuss your current status and what you would like to achieve.

Strategy for Scale


When you’re working in your business, it can be hard to see the wood for the trees, especially when you’re pushing hard to generate growth and scale your company to new heights.  Our Strategy for Scale approach helps you take a step back and evaluate progress, targets, and direction of travel across your whole business.

Through interactive workshops we support you in making objective assessments, creating new strategic plans and translating those into operational planning you can implement immediately.  We are also able to facilitate quarterly reviews and accountability sessions, to support your strategy implementation.

We work directly with Founders, or run group sessions for the whole management team and/or Board.  To find out more about the value Strategy for Scale could add to your business, contact us for a complimentary 1-hour Strategy for Scale diagnostic session, where we can discuss your goals and current challenges.